Thursday, December 5, 2013

I Guess I Had Something to Write After All

In November, I made a vow that starting in December I will post a blog every week or at least every other week.  And not only will I post a blog but I will promote the blog (trying to build an audience and attract advertisers). As week one is vastly coming to an end, I can’t think of anything to write about. So I’m just going to start writing whatever comes to mind. Note: By me doing that, this blog may not have any real structure to it. LOL!

I am one of the most positive people you will ever come across. My motto is: “If it can be dreamed, it can be done.” I honestly believe that. And I believe that one day soon I will be a published author, I will have at least one play and one musical on Broadway and I will grace the stage four times, in the same year, to receive The Tony Award for Best Play, Best Musical, Best Director of a Play and Best Director of a Musical. Yeah…I dream BIG!  But even more so, I KNOW all of these things shall come to pass.

This past Sunday, Pastor Christopher D. Collier made three statements that made me do a self evaluation:

Start working on running your mind instead of running your mouth - OUCH! I was guilty of that one…running my mouth about the dream and not running my mind to make the dream a reality. I just did it in the previous paragraph.

You can’t expect God to move if you’re not moving – That’s like expecting your car to go but you haven’t started it or put it in gear or pressed the accelerator.   

Work your vision and God will provide the provision – OUCH! Guilty again! I have put so many projects on hold because of the lack of money. And what I mean by “on hold” is I didn’t even start them. Shame…

I said all that to say this…I was dreaming the dream but not SERIOUSLY pursuing it:

* I’ve started one novel and laid the ground work for three more novels and a children’s book. With five books in the works, at least one should be completed by now! Sheesh!

* I have a completed musical that I’ve never put on and a play I did this past summer that people are still talking about and wanting to see again. Ummm, what's the hold up?

* I have tons of short stories and poems that are ready to be published in somebody’s magazine. Some of them are funny, some are thought provoking and some…well let’s just say some are for “Mature Audiences Only.” *wink*


Well my friend, the fire has been rekindled! (Rising from my chair and standing with my head held high) No longer will I be just a dreamer! I will pursue the dream! I will achieve the dream! And completing this blog before the week ended is a good first step!

Hmmm…I guess I had something to write after all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading your points thinking, "I wrote those same things down!" Great minds think alike!!! Whatever you need from me to help make your dreams come to pass....I gotchu!!!! We in this together!!!!
